Swing Trades

  • Swing trade portfolio has generated over $70,000 or 83.4% in returns since the beginning of 2024. Portfolio consists of strategic investments and withdrawals.

Long Term Holds

  • Long Term portfolio has generated over $125,000 or roughly 100% in returns in the first half of 2024. Portfolio consists of strategic long term investments in line with our future way of life.

    This account also takes part in collecting weekly premium by selling weekly call options on its currently holdings.

*Full year 2024 account analytics available early 2025*

Japan Crisis 8/5/24

  • Swing trade portfolio has remained highly profitable and has used the market turmoil as an opportunity. A very safe swing trade was placed that generated 40% as the US stock market was plummeting.

    Bought PLTR 1000 shares @ $20.60

    SOLD PLTR 1000 shares @ $27.75

    All within one trading day.

    Portfolio continues to focus on strategic investments and withdrawals.

8/7/24 - 9/27/24 Return Summary

  • During this time, we have done the following:

    1. Predict China Stimulus.

    2. Played China trade perfectly.

    3. Capitalized from $PLTR S&P500 inclusion.

    4. On 8/20/24, a client unexpectedly pulled out $150,000. Interstellar Ventures maneuvered through the roughest times and ended the account at all time highs with a 30%+ return from 8/20/24 to 9/27/24.
